Let's Get Haunted

Aly & Nat | QCODE

Welcome to "the only investigative journalism podcast about sh*t that may or may not have even happened in the first place"! Brought to you by besties Aly and Nat, Let's Get Haunted is here to bring scary tales of hauntings, aliens, urban legends, and unsolved mysteries to the masses. Enjoy your daily dose of paranormal year-round with LGH!

  1. 8H AGO

    The Hitchhiker Effect

    Welcome to Episode 213: The Hitchhiker Effect! When billionaire Robert Bigelow purchased Skinwalker Ranch in the 1990s, he never dreamed that one day he would have taxpayer funding to study its paranormal phenomena, but that is exactly what happened. As scientists, researchers, and journalists flocked to Skinwalker to observe the otherworldly activity firsthand, they began to notice something curious: the phenomena were not confined to the ranch. Instead, supernatural entities such as orbs, UFOs, shadow people, and dog men began infiltrating the homes of some of the scientists. This curious activity would come to be known as “The Hitchhiker Effect”, and while it may seem unbelievable, it is very, very real. People of all ages, genders, races, and religions can become unwitting targets of the effect, and unfortunately there’s no known cure. Join us on this wild episode of LGH as we take you through the ins and outs of The Hitchhiker Effect, complete with first-person interviews! TIME STAMPS 00:00:00 - INTRO / HOUSEKEEPING 00:03:45 - PART I: YOU’VE BEEN HITCHHIKED 00:28:00 - ADORE ME AD 00:30:00 - PART II: SKINWALKER RANCH (INTERVIEW!) 00:49:00 - APOSTROPHE AD 00:50:10 - PART III: EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE (INTERVIEW!) 01:12:00 - REMI AD 01:14:00 - PART IV: WHAT DO THE EXPERTS SAY? 01:36:30 - BLISSY AD 01:37:40 - PART V: FINAL THOUGHTS & THEORIES 01:48:00 - CLOSING CREDITS THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED!! Find out more about this week’s advertisers below: ADORE ME: For bra and panty sets for as low as $19.95, head to https://AdoreMe.com  APOSTROPHE: Head over to https://www.Apostrophe.com/LETSGETHAUNTED and click “Get Started”, then use our code “LETSGETHAUNTED” at sign up and you’ll get your first visit for only $5 REMI: Save your smile and your bank account with Remi! Get up to 50% off your custom-fit mouth guard at https://www.shopremi.com/HAUNTED today! BLISSY: Get better sleep, hair and skin with Blissy and use code LGHPOD to get an additional 30% off at https://blissy.com/LGHPOD FOLLOW ELYSSA HERE: https://www.instagram.com/elyssa.mai/ —— Other Important Stuff: Join the Patreon today! https://patreon.com/letsgethaunted  LGH Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/letsgethaunted Buy Our Merch: https://www.letsgethaunted.com    Check out the photo dump for this week’s episode: https://www.instagram.com/letsgethaunted   Send us fan mail: PO BOX 1658 Camarillo, CA 93011 Send us your listener stories: LetsGetHauntedPod@gmail.com —— BACKGROUND MUSIC: [1] “MAGIC TRANSITION SOUND - NO COPYRIGHT” BY SOUND TRUST, LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNHMu3Upgu4 Creative Commons — CC BY 3.0 I https://goo.gl/Yibru5 [2] License Dar Golan - Elevator Music - Royalty free music, “Elevator Music (Royalty Free, Infinite Loop)” by Dar Golan, free download link here: https://www.dargolan-free.com/funny-music  [3]“[No Copyright Music] Bossanova Music _ Today's Diary” by Chiro aka 부구미 BuGuMi on Youtube, link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NwW5oPwaGo —— KEYWORDS: Horror, scary, storytelling, cryptid, legend, urban legend, haunted, haunting, ghost, creature, demon, angel, death, heaven, afterlife, reddit, 4chan, TikTok, Tumblr, spooky, paranormal, supernatural, alien, UFO, UAP, Underwater, Ocean, Sea, Mysterious, Extraterrestrial, War, Listener Stories, Stories, Story, Listener, Fan, E-mails, True, Real, Real Life, True Life Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    1h 55m
  2. MAR 19

    Episode 212: The Ernest Shackleton Expedition

    Led by a fearless Ernest Shackleton, the goal of this expedition is nothing short of legendary: to be the first humans to cross the entire Antarctic continent and reach the South Pole! But what follows would be anything but expected. This is not only an unimaginable tale of survival and isolation, but it’s also a warning of supernatural phenomena that haunts the planet’s least populated continent, even today. Is Antarctica empty because of a harsh climate and lonely location, or is there something else more sinister keeping humanity away? Today’s episode will divulge all of The Shackleton Expedition’s findings- haunted survival records, ghosts, aliens, the occult, and even a Nazi conspiracy theory—this is one trip you will never forget. Buckle up kids because today we are talking about The Ernest Shackleton Expedition! TIME STAMPS 00:00:00 - INTRO 00:15:54 - FACTOR AD  00:17:13 - THE RACE TO THE SOUTH POLE 00:27:41 - NUTRAFOL AD 00:29:25 - THE LEGEND OF THE BISCUIT 00:48:53 - MIRACLE MADE AD 00:50:52 - THE ENDURANCE 01:01:07 - BETTER HELP AD 01:03:00  - THE GREAT ESCAPE 01:41:47 - DONOR SHOUTOUTS & SECRET PASSWORD THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED!! Find out more about this week’s advertisers below! FACTOR - Get started at Factormeals.com/FACTORPODCAST and use code “FACTORPODCAST” to get 50% off your first box plus free shipping. NUTRAFOL- For a limited time, Nutrafol is offering our listeners TEN DOLLARS OFF your first month’s subscription plus FREE SHIPPING when you go to www.Nutrafol.com  and enter the promo code HAUNTED. MIRACLE MADE- Go to TryMiracle.com/HAUNTED and use the code HAUNTED to claim your FREE 3 PIECE TOWEL SET and SAVE over 40% OFF.   BETTER HELP: This episode is brought to you by Better Help. Visit https://betterhelp.com/GETHAUNTED to get 10% off your first month. — Other Important Stuff: Join the Patreon today! https://patreon.com/letsgethaunted  LGH Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/letsgethaunted Buy Our Merch: https://www.letsgethaunted.com    Check out the photo dump for this week’s episode: https://www.instagram.com/letsgethaunted   Send us fan mail: PO BOX 1658 Camarillo, CA 93011 Send us your listener stories: LetsGetHauntedPod@gmail.com —— SOURCES: [1] https://www.history.com/news/shackleton-endurance-survival [2] https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/shackleton/1914/timeline.html [3] https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2004/aug/22/arts.artsnews [4] South by Ernest Shackleton [5] https://archive.org/details/enduranceshackl000lans/page/1/mode/1up [6] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFApo9FefeU [7]https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/04/penguins-southern-ocean-explorers-best-friend/586189/ [8] https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2657121/Pictured-Antarctica-seen-colour-century-ago-remarkable-images-taken-photographer-accompanied-explorers-Sir-Ernest-Shackleton-Douglas-Mawson.html [9]https://www.rmg.co.uk/stories/topics/shackletons-death-legacy#:~:text=Dr%20Alexander%20Macklin%2C%20who%20was,He%20died%20quite%20suddenly. MUSIC: [1] The Star Spangled Banner | Copyright Free | National Anthem Of The USA [2] Creepy Doll Mix and Dark Piano Mix by Michael Byrnes [3] No Copyright Halloween Spooky Haunted Background Music / Halloween 2024 [5] “Elevator” - Local Forecast License Dar Golan - Elevator Music - Royalty free music, “Elevator Music (Royalty Free, Infinite Loop)” by Dar Golan, free download link here: https://www.dargolan-free.com/funny-music [6] “MAGIC TRANSITION SOUND - NO COPYRIGHT” BY SOUND TRUST, LINK: Magic Transition Sound No Copyright KEYWORDS: Sir Ernest Shackleton, Discovery, Endurance, Antarctica, Heroic Age of Exploration, Tom Crean, Conspiracy, South Pole, Survival, Endure, Adventure, viral, national geographic, nimrod, hut, south georgia island, mount erebus, frank wild, worsley, reddit, 20th century, history, paranormal, the thing, admiral byrd, nazis, ww1 , WWI. paranoia, transglobalism Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    1h 48m
  3. Episode 211: The Belarusian Bigfoot (Neanderthal on a Stick)

    MAR 12

    Episode 211: The Belarusian Bigfoot (Neanderthal on a Stick)

    Welcome to Episode 211: Neanderthal on a Stick aka the Belarusian Bigfoot! Belarus is a landlocked country with a rich history and even richer folklore. Famous for its flat terrain with over 11,000 lakes and 20,000 rivers, the country is perhaps best known for its vast forests which cover about 40% of the nation. Inside these forests and bodies of water, a multitude of folkloric entities are known to lurk, such as: Leshy, rusalki, hartsuks, zheuzhyk, Lazavik, Zlydzens, and much, much more. But in August of 2012, a Belarusian man named Alexander met with something that left him altogether puzzled. Join us as we learn about the “Neanderthal on a stick” aka “The Belarusian Bigfoot”. TIME STAMPS 00:00:00 NAT IS IN LABOR! 00:05:00 ADORE ME AD 00:06:30 PART I: BELARUSIAN FOLKLORE 00:20:00 PENROSE HILL AD 00:22:00 PART II: OPERATION WINTERZAUBER 00:32:00 BLISSY AD 00:33:30 PART III: NEANDERTHAL ON A STICK 00:39:54 PART IV: THE THEORIES 01:27:00 CLOSING CREDITS This episode is sponsored!! Learn more about this week’s sponsors by clicking the links below: ADORE ME: For bra and panty sets for as low as $19.95, head to https://AdoreMe.com  FIRST LEAF: Go to https://TryFirstleaf.com/haunted to sign up and you’ll get your first SIX handpicked bottles for just $44.95! BLISSY: Get better sleep, hair and skin with Blissy and use code LGHPOD to get an additional 30% off at https://blissy.com/LGHPOD —— Other Important Stuff: Join the Patreon today! https://patreon.com/letsgethaunted  LGH Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/letsgethaunted Buy Our Merch: https://www.letsgethaunted.com    Check out the photo dump for this week’s episode: https://www.instagram.com/letsgethaunted   Send us fan mail: PO BOX 1658 Camarillo, CA 93011 Send us your listener stories: LetsGetHauntedPod@gmail.com —— BACKGROUND MUSIC: [1] “MAGIC TRANSITION SOUND - NO COPYRIGHT” BY SOUND TRUST, LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNHMu3Upgu4 Creative Commons — CC BY 3.0 I https://goo.gl/Yibru5 [2] License Dar Golan - Elevator Music - Royalty free music, “Elevator Music (Royalty Free, Infinite Loop)” by Dar Golan, free download link here: https://www.dargolan-free.com/funny-music  [3]“(Free) Horror Ambiance - Ominous Background Music” by ESN Productions, link: https://bit.ly/4k6UTLw  [4] Belarusian Folk Song “The Gray Horse” by Kozak Family Trio, link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Wf0D2Fvo3I  —— KEYWORDS: Horror, scary, storytelling, cryptid, legend, urban legend, haunted, haunting, ghost, creature, demon, angel, death, heaven, afterlife, reddit, 4chan, TikTok, Tumblr, spooky, paranormal, supernatural, alien, UFO, UAP, Underwater, Ocean, Sea, Lake, River, Water, Mysterious, Extraterrestrial, War, Story, True, Real, Real Life, True Life, Belarus, Belarusian, Bigfoot, Monster Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    1h 32m
  4. Listener Stories #33

    MAR 5

    Listener Stories #33

    SKIP TO 00:07:00 TO GET TO THIS WEEK’S LISTENER STORIES! Welcome to Episode 210.5: Listener Stories #33! This is the episode where our Haunties (aka listeners) write in with their first-person spooky tales of cryptids, ghosts, curses, and aliens AND where Nat & Aly unbox fan mail sent by listeners just like YOU. This week, we unbox mail on Patreon from: Rachel V., Kris & Aly, Abby M., Anonymous, & Brian G.! Listener stories from this week’s episode include: a football field-sized UFO sighting, a misty figure of a woman crawling on the floor, demented faces in the mirrors of childhood photos, hospital hauntings, grandma ghosts, sleep paralysis, skunk glitches, exorcisms, and more! Some of the listeners whose stories are featured in this episode include: Hayden, Johanna, Jack V, Zoe S, Christine C, Molly J, Bex, Chase N, Megan B, Rita, and Sarah J! NOTE: Unboxings and Fan Mail have moved over to the “Free” tier of Patreon! Head over to https://patreon.com/letsgethaunted and subscribe to the Free Tier (or Tier 1 or Tier 2) to watch now! TIME STAMPS 00:00:00 - INTRO / HOUSEKEEPING 00:07:00 - MIRACLE MADE AD 00:09:00 - LISTENER STORIES BEGINS 00:34:00 - APOSTROPHE AD 00:37:00 - LISTENER STORIES CONTINUES 00:58:00 - NURTURE LIFE AD 01:00:00 - LISTENER STORIES CONTINUES 01:52:00 - CLOSING CREDITS THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED!! Find out more about this week’s advertisers below: MIRACLE MADE: Upgrade your sleep with Miracle Made! Go to https://TryMiracle.com/HAUNTED and use code HAUNTED to claim your FREE 3 PIECE TOWEL SET and SAVE over 40% OFF APOSTROPHE: Head over to https://www.Apostrophe.com/LETSGETHAUNTED and click “Get Started”, then use our code “LETSGETHAUNTED” at sign up and you’ll get your first visit for only $5 NURTURE LIFE: For 55% off your order, head to https://NurtureLife.com and use code HAUNTED —— Other Important Stuff: Join the Patreon today! https://patreon.com/letsgethaunted  LGH Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/letsgethaunted Buy Our Merch: https://www.letsgethaunted.com    Check out the photo dump for this week’s episode: https://www.instagram.com/letsgethaunted   Send us fan mail: PO BOX 1658 Camarillo, CA 93011 Send us your listener stories: LetsGetHauntedPod@gmail.com —— BACKGROUND MUSIC: [1] “MAGIC TRANSITION SOUND - NO COPYRIGHT” BY SOUND TRUST, LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNHMu3Upgu4 Creative Commons — CC BY 3.0 I https://goo.gl/Yibru5 [2] License Dar Golan - Elevator Music - Royalty free music, “Elevator Music (Royalty Free, Infinite Loop)” by Dar Golan, free download link here: https://www.dargolan-free.com/funny-music  [3]“[No Copyright Music] Bossanova Music _ Today's Diary” by Chiro aka 부구미 BuGuMi on Youtube, link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NwW5oPwaGo —— KEYWORDS: Horror, scary, storytelling, cryptid, legend, urban legend, haunted, haunting, ghost, creature, demon, angel, death, heaven, afterlife, reddit, 4chan, TikTok, Tumblr, spooky, paranormal, supernatural, alien, UFO, UAP, Underwater, Ocean, Sea, Mysterious, Extraterrestrial, War, Listener Stories, Stories, Story, Listener, Fan, E-mails, True, Real, Real Life, True Life Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    1h 58m
  5. Yamashita's Cursed Treasure

    FEB 26

    Yamashita's Cursed Treasure

    In another chaotic (yet educational) installment of LGH, we get our fill of all sorts of haunted loot as we claw our way through the legends to search for lost WWII era gold! Join us as Nat leads Aly on a historical adventure to investigate a rabbit hole so deep it allegedly involves a dictator, a rogue treasure hunter, and even the CIA! This isn’t just another tale of shiny things waiting to be found- it’s a story of war, betrayal, hauntings, and a possible government conspiracy. Buckle the f up Haunties, because today we’re talking about *Yamashita’s Cursed Treasure.* TIME STAMPS 00:00:00 - INTRO 00:04:30 - THE LEGEND OF YAMASHITA’S GOLD 00:14:05 - BLISSY AD 00:16:19 - OPERATION GOLDEN LILY 00:27:04 - REMI AD 00:30:36 - YAMASHITA’S SURRENDER 00:38:28 - TREASURE HUNTERS 00:46:02 - BETTER HELP AD 00:48:27 - ROGELIO ROXAS 00:54:10 - NUTRAFOL AD 00:57:18 - THE GOLDEN BUDDAH SAGA 01:10:14 - THE MARCOS FAMILY WEALTH 01:14:41- THE CURSE 01:18:00 - GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACIES AND COVER UPS 01:30:11 - FINAL THOUGHTS AND THEORIES 01:32:00 - DONOR SHOUTOUTS AND SECRET PASSWORD THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED!! Find out more about this week’s advertisers below! BLISSY: Get better sleep, hair, and skin with Blissy and use code “LGHPOD” to get an additional 30% off at https://www.blissy.com/LGHPOD REMI- Save your smile and your bank account with Remi! Get up to 50% off your custom-fit mouthguard at https://www.shopremi.com/HAUNTED today! BETTER HELP: This episode is brought to you by Better Help. Visit https://betterhelp.com/GETHAUNTED to get 10% off your first month. NUTRAFOL- For a limited time, Nutrafol is offering our listeners TEN DOLLARS OFF your first month’s subscription plus FREE SHIPPING when you go to www.Nutrafol.com and enter the promo code HAUNTED. — Other Important Stuff: Join the Patreon today! https://patreon.com/letsgethaunted LGH Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/letsgethaunted Buy Our Merch: https://www.letsgethaunted.com Check out the photo dump for this week’s episode: https://www.instagram.com/letsgethaunted Send us fan mail: PO BOX 1658 Camarillo, CA 93011 Send us your listener stories: LetsGetHauntedPod@gmail.com —— SOURCES [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamashita%27s_gold [2] https://news.artnet.com/art-world/ferdinand-marcos-art-trial-1258997 [3] Supreme Court of Hawaii, 'Roxas v. Marcos', 1996. [4]https://www.vice.com/en/article/what-ever-happened-imelda-marcos-3000-pairs-shoes-philippines/ [5] https://law.justia.com/cases/hawaii/supreme-court/1998/20606-2.html [6] Michael Ocampo, 'Yamashita’s Gold and the Curse of the Spirits', Philippine Folklore Journal, 1998. [7] Gen. Yamashita Sentenced to Death by Hanging and other Japanese criminals too [8] https://www.history.com/news/wwii-yamashita-treasure-roxas-marcos-gold-buddha [9]https://www.gmanetwork.com/news/lifestyle/hobbiesandactivities/635251/legendary-yamashita-treasure-resurfaces/story/ [10]https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4093712/Yamashita-Treasure-hidden-Japanese-soldiers-uncovered-Philippines-WWII.html [11]https://metrocdodev.com/2024/03/14/4-trapped-dead-in-a-cave-in-bukidnon-looking-for-yamashita-treasure/ [12]https://www.areasgrey.com/tag/treasure-hunters/ [13]https://wwd.com/fashion-news/fashion-scoops/gallery/imelda-marcos-shoes-dresses-photos-1236419125/imelda-marcos-furs/ MUSIC: [1]No Copyright Halloween Spooky Haunted Background Music / Halloween 2024 [2]The Scary Werewolf Game Menu Theme Music - No Copyright [3] Creepy Doll Mix & LGH Dark Piano by Michael Byrnes KEYWORDS: Yamashita, Japanese Imperial Army, Operation Golden Lily, Yakuza, Tunnels, WWII, WW2, loot, gold, golden buddha, rogelio roxas, marcos ferdinand, dictator, government conspiracy, cia, cover up, joe rogan, imelda marcos, exile, lawsuit, occult, secret, treasure, philippines, pacific, war crimes, bataan death march, history, paranormal, curse, true crime, murder, POW, Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    1h 39m
  6. The Red Ghost, A Wild West Legend

    FEB 19

    The Red Ghost, A Wild West Legend

    Welcome to “Episode 209: The Red Ghost”. In Eagle Rock, Arizona 1883, a woman was trampled to death by what was described as a hoofed beast with red hair being ridden by a devilish skeleton cowboy. Decades passed, and more sightings of the fearsome specter were observed throughout Arizona. Some claimed the creature flew, others claimed it trampled all who stood in its way, and still others thought it might be the Devil himself or one of his horsemen, but when the mystery was finally solved in the 1890s, the truth would prove to be stranger than fiction. Join us on this Wild West adventure as we dissect the tall tale of “The Red Ghost”. TIME STAMPS 00:00:00 - HOUSEKEEPING 00:02:00 - PART I: LAWLESSNESS 00:09:00- APOSTROPHE AD 00:10:50 - PART I CONTINUES 00:18:30 - PART II: THE RED GHOST 00:23:00 - MIRACLE MADE AD 00:24:50 - PART II CONTINUES 00:42:00- ADORE ME AD 00:45:00 - PART II CONTINUES 00:52:00 - PART III: SOLVED 01:07:00 - FACTOR AD 01:13:00 - JAKE & THE CAMEL  01:18:00 - FINAL THOUGHTS 01:31:00 - CLOSING CREDITS —— THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED!! Find out more about this week’s advertisers below: APOSTROPHE: Go to https://apostrophe.com/LETSGETHAUNTED and click Get Started, then use our code LETSGETHAUNTED at sign up and you’ll get your first visit for only $5 MIRACLE MADE: Upgrade your sleep with Miracle Made! Go to https://trymiracle.com/haunted and use the code HAUNTED to claim your FREE 3 PIECE TOWEL SET and SAVE over 40% OFF ADORE ME: For bra and panty sets as low as $19.95, head to https://adoreme.com  FACTOR: Get started at https://www.factormeals.com/FACTORPODCAST and use code FACTORPODCAST to get 50% off your first box plus free shipping —— Other Important Stuff: Join the Patreon today! https://patreon.com/letsgethaunted  LGH Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/letsgethaunted Buy Our Merch: https://www.letsgethaunted.com    Check out the photo dump for this week’s episode: https://www.instagram.com/letsgethaunted   Send us fan mail: PO BOX 1658 Camarillo, CA 93011 Send us your listener stories: LetsGetHauntedPod@gmail.com —— BACKGROUND MUSIC [1]“MAGIC TRANSITION SOUND - NO COPYRIGHT” BY SOUND TRUST, LINK: https://bit.ly/4gI8GoZ  [2] “Short Western Music [Sound Effect]” by Free Sound Effects, link: https://bit.ly/3QJKDM9  [3] Song: Cesare Rides Again Composer: WombatNoisesAudio Website: https://soundcloud.com/user-734462061 License: Creative Commons (BY 3.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Music powered by BreakingCopyright: https://breakingcopyright.com [4]“(Free) Horror Ambiance - Ominous Background Music” by ESN Productions, link: https://bit.ly/4k6UTLw  [5] “Casa Bossa Nova” by Kevin MacLeod https://incompetech.com/ Creative Commons — CC BY 3.0 I https://goo.gl/Yibru5 [6] License Dar Golan - Elevator Music - Royalty free music, “Elevator Music (Royalty Free, Infinite Loop)” by Dar Golan, free download link here: https://www.dargolan-free.com/funny-music  [7] “Wild West | Country Ambient Guitar | Relaxing Cowboy Western Music” by Western Ambient on YouTube, link: https://bit.ly/4gSDjrP © Copyright: Music written/arranged: Nikolay Statilko (NikStatikMusic) Sound recording and sound design: Nikolay Statilko (NikStatikMusic) PERMISSION GIVEN TO US TO USE WITH ATTRIBUTION BY NIKOLAY STATILKO IN WRITING ON 2-18-25 KEYWORDS: Horror, creepy, spooky, scary, storytelling, halloween, cryptid, legend, urban legend, haunted, haunting, ghost, creature, monster, reddit, 4chan, TikTok, Tumblr, spooky, paranormal, supernatural, alien, internet, mystery, curse, cursed, crime, true crime, folklore, mysterious, unsolved, unresolved, history Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    1h 41m
  7. Hotel Zaza Room 322

    FEB 12

    Hotel Zaza Room 322

    The Hotel Zaza collection prides itself on offering luxury and upscale ambiance as part of their guest experience... So why is Room 322 described as a tiny “goth dungeon closet” adorned with missing carpet, creepy skull art, handmade paintings, chains, a random framed executive’s business headshot, and a possible two-way mirror? Join us this week as Nat razzle dazzles Aly with a PowerPoint Presentation that leaves us all wondering, “What’s up with Room 322?” TIME STAMPS 00:00:00 - HOTEL ZAZA 00:18:00 - FIRSTLEAF AD 00:20:54 - MORE CONCEPT SUITES  00:30:38 - BLISSY AD 00:33:55 - ROOM 322 00:44:55 - STANFORD FINANCIAL GROUP 00:50:47 - APOSTROPHE AD 00:53:20 - SKULL AND BONES SECRET CLUB 01:11:00 - NATURE SAGE AD 01:13:35 - THE SKULL AND BONES CONSPIRACY 01:27:22 - OTHER THEORIES 02:03:13 - PATREON DONOR SHOUTOUTS & SECRET PASSWORD THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED!! Find out more about this week’s advertisers below! FIRSTLEAF- Go to TryFirstleaf.com/haunted to sign up and get your first SIX handpicked bottles for just $44.95.  BLISSY: Get better sleep, hair, and skin with Blissy and use code “LGHPOD” to get an additional 30% off at https://www.blissy.com/LGHPOD   APOSTROPHE - Get your first visit for only five dollars at  Apostrophe.com/LETSGETHAUNTED  when you use our code: LETSGETHAUNTED. That’s a savings of FIFTEEN DOLLARS! NATURE SAGE - Head to NatureSageOmega3.com/HAUNTED and use code HAUNTED for 40% off to unlock a healthier you. Make sure you use code HAUNTED so they know I sent you!  — Other Important Stuff: Join the Patreon today! https://patreon.com/letsgethaunted  LGH Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/letsgethaunted Buy Our Merch: https://www.letsgethaunted.com    Check out the photo dump for this week’s episode: https://www.instagram.com/letsgethaunted   Send us fan mail: PO BOX 1658 Camarillo, CA 93011 Send us your listener stories: LetsGetHauntedPod@gmail.com —— SOURCES: [1]https://www.reddit.com/r/houston/comments/18pt71/zaza_insiders_question_whats_up_with_room_322/ [2]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skull_and_Bones [3]https://www.chron.com/life/article/the-story-behind-zaza-s-goth-dungeon-closet-4288247.php [4]http://swamplot.com/no-says-hotel-zaza-room-322-isnt-an-expensive-bondage-dungeon-for-creeps-its-just-different/2013-02-22/ [5]https://www.chron.com/neighborhood/bayarea/news/article/Former-Executives-of-Stanford-Financial-Group-9537116.php [6]https://www.reuters.com/article/world/former-stanford-group-president-settles-sec-fraud-charges-idUSBRE87U1BA/ [7]https://theweek.com/articles/528748/shadowy-world-skull-bones [8]https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/di4r0u/resolved_i_think_ive_finally_put_the_final_nail/ [9]https://www.vice.com/en/article/houston-hotel-zazas-room-322-has-got-the-internet-freaking-out/ MUSIC [1] The Scary Werewolf Game Menu Theme Music - No Copyright Track name: "Fantasy Ambience" [2 No Copyright Halloween Spooky Haunted Background Music / Halloween 2024 Credits:      Music: Mystery by Soundridemusic      Link to Video:    • No Copyright Halloween Spooky Haunted...   KEYWORDS: Hotel Zaza, Room 322, Reddit Conspiracy, Haunted, Unsolved, Skull and Bones, Bonesmen, Urban Legend, Viral, Concept Suites, Stanford Financial Group, 2008 Financial Crisis, George Bush, Blackrock, Creepy, Yale, Secret Society, The Freemasons, Mason, The Friars, Fraternity, Sorority, The Tomb, SEC fraud, dungeon, two way mirror, vice, houston, texas, luxury hotel, occultism, occult, ritual Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    2h 11m
  8. The Alien Photo That Shut Down 4Chan

    FEB 5

    The Alien Photo That Shut Down 4Chan

    SKIP TO 00:4:00 TO GET TO THIS WEEK’S EPISODE   It’s the Season 7 Premiere!! Welcome, Haunties, to “Episode 207: The Alien Photo That Shut Down 4Chan”. On February 22, 2017, a photograph supposedly depicting an alien was posted to 4Chan’s paranormal board, /x/. The post was entitled “24489 Taken approximately 24 miles northwest of Luke Air Force Base Phoenix Arizona Lab H4C”. The picture was online for no more than 30-60 seconds at most before, without warning, the entire 4Chan website crashed and went offline. Since then, hundreds of threads have sprang forth on Reddit, 4Chan, Facebook, Quora, Instagram, TikTok, and more as internet sleuths try to track down the photo and determine its legitimacy. Join us on this wild season opener as we fall down an internet rabbit hole, examine potential recreations of the photo, and even interview a 4Channer who was there when the original post went down! TIME STAMPS 00:00:00 - HOUSEKEEPING 00:04:00 - THE 2016 TO 2017 SHIFT 00:11:12 - REMI AD 00:14:28 - 4CHAN 00:31:34 - BETTER HELP AD 00:32:55 - DESCRIPTIONS OF THE POST 00:44:13 - NUTRAFOL AD 00:45:44 - ALIEN SIGHTINGS IN ARIZONA 01:01:12 - MIRACLE MADE AD 01:03:28 - PHOTOS 01:17:00 - THEORIES 01:24:45 - INTERVIEW 01:39:00 - CLOSING CREDITS —— THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED!! Find out more about this week’s advertisers below: REMI: Save your smile and your bank account with Remi! Get up to 50% off your custom-fit mouth guard at https://www.shopremi.com/HAUNTED today! BETTER HELP: This week’s episode is brought to you by Better Help! Give online therapy a try at https://www.betterhelp.com/GETHAUNTED to get on your way to being your best, least haunted self. NUTRAFOL: For a limited time, Nutrafol is offering LGH listeners $10.00 off your first month’s subscription & free shipping when you go to https://www.nutrafol.com and enter the promo code HAUNTED. MIRACLE MADE: Upgrade your sleep with Miracle Made! Go to https://trymiracle.com/haunted and use the code HAUNTED to claim your FREE 3 PIECE TOWEL SET and SAVE over 40% OFF. —— Other Important Stuff: Join the Patreon today! https://patreon.com/letsgethaunted  LGH Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/letsgethaunted Buy Our Merch: https://www.letsgethaunted.com    Check out the photo dump for this week’s episode: https://www.instagram.com/letsgethaunted   Send us fan mail: PO BOX 1658 Camarillo, CA 93011 Send us your listener stories: LetsGetHauntedPod@gmail.com —— BACKGROUND MUSIC [1]“MAGIC TRANSITION SOUND - NO COPYRIGHT” BY SOUND TRUST, LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNHMu3Upgu4 [2]“(Free) Horror Ambiance - Ominous Background Music” by ESN Productions, link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAO3x-Uhfoo [3]“[No Copyright Music] Bossanova Music _ Today's Diary” by Chiro aka 부구미 BuGuMi on Youtube, link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NwW5oPwaGo [4]“Elevator” - Local Forecast License Dar Golan - Elevator Music - Royalty free music, “Elevator Music (Royalty Free, Infinite Loop)” by Dar Golan, free download link here: https://www.dargolan-free.com/funny-music  [5] “Scary Forest Ambiance” by Royalty Free Sounds, link to purchase license to the music like we did: https://www.dl-sounds.com/royalty-free/scary-forest-ambience/ [6] Ghost Stories Incorporated - Premium Horror Tracks Vol. 2 - 05 Pendulum Suite - “The Evil Pianist” purchased here: https://ghoststoriesincorporated.bandcamp.com/album/premium-horror-tracks-volume-2 KEYWORDS: Horror, scary, storytelling, halloween, cryptid, legend, urban legend, haunted, haunting, ghost, creature, reddit, 4chan, TikTok, Tumblr, spooky, paranormal, supernatural, alien, internet, mystery, curse, cursed, crime, true crime, folklore, urban legend, mystery, mysterious, unsolved, unresolved, history Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    1h 45m
    out of 5
    1,315 Ratings


    Welcome to "the only investigative journalism podcast about sh*t that may or may not have even happened in the first place"! Brought to you by besties Aly and Nat, Let's Get Haunted is here to bring scary tales of hauntings, aliens, urban legends, and unsolved mysteries to the masses. Enjoy your daily dose of paranormal year-round with LGH!

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